It is a small canyon whose gorges are about 200 meters long and have walls up to 15 – 20 meters high. Crossing them, gliding gently with a small boat on the waters, it’s a real spectacle because, despite their modest development, they always offer fantastic views. Inside the gorges the water is quite high, in some points it reaches even 5-6 meters deep and crossing them you are enchanted by the play of light and the characteristic colours of the water due to the presence of particular aquatic plants.
A wild environment recommended for those who love unspoiled nature and want to spend time away from the chaos of large towns.
Once you reach the river bed, in periods when the water flow is minimal you can venture towards the gorges (better with the help of rock shoes because you walk in the middle of the water and between slippery stones). But you can also cross the gorges with a canoe, taking advantage of an organized excursion and reaching specific points where you can also take a pleasant swim.